29 Gen Z Statistics 2025 (Demographics & Behaviour)

Growing up with the internet and digital devices as toys, Generation Z is known as the digital natives of recent times.

With more than 2.4 billion individuals, Gen Z makes up one-third of the global population. They are more diverse, educated, and socially conscious than any previous generation so far.

In this article, we will explore some of the key Gen Z statistics and facts about their demographics, workforce influence, social media usage, and consumer behavior that will help you understand this generation better.

Gen Z Statistics: Top Picks (2025)

  • Gen Z makes up 30% of the global population.
  • The United States has over 68.6 million Gen Zs in its population.
  • Gen Z is expected to contribute 27% of the total workforce by 2025.
  • Around 57% of the US Gen Z are enrolled in college.
  • 73% of Gen Z choose to buy from brands that support sustainability.
  •  43% of Gen Zs are willing to leave a product review.
  • 66% of Gen Z believe climate change should be prioritized over economic growth.

Gen Z Demographic Statistics

Gen Z comprises one-third of the total population and is considered one of the most influential groups globally.

1. Gen Z makes up 30% of the global population As Of 2025

Outnumbering the Millennial population by a significant margin, there are over 2.4 billion people who are 9 to 24 years old.

Making up more than a quarter of the population, Gen Z is the most important age group to consider.  

With a great knowledge of technology at a young age, Gen Z dominates today’s digitized world.

Source: McCrindle

2. The United States has over 68.6 million Gen Zs

Gen Z comprises 20% of the United States’ population. 

Non-Hispanic whites account for 52% of Gen Z in the United States, while Hispanics make up 25%.

Here is a table showing the percentage of Gen Z in the US by race:


Source: US Census 

3. Around 57% of the US Gen Z are enrolled in college

51% of the US Gen Zs are students, so they are set to become the most educated group of all time; the credit goes to already educated parents.

College enrollment rates by age group:

Age GroupEnrollment rates
Gen Z57%
Gen X43%
Baby Boomers29%

Source: PewResearch

Generation Z Workforce Statistics

In 2025, an average GenZ person will be in his 20s with a good education, and employers can have a huge advantage by employing them.

Being digitally advanced and relevant, 38% of the U.S. Gen Z  have already entered the workforce. Gen Zs are responsible for setting new employee trends and getting things done differently.

4. Gen Z is expected to contribute 27% of the total workforce by 2025

With an expected contribution of 27% to the total workforce by 2025, the share is set to reach 30% by 2030. Gen Z is set to become an essential and talented group for employers to acquire in 2024.

Source: Hireology

5. 77% of Gen Z prioritize work-life balance while searching for a job

With 49% of Gen Z currently working hybrid or remotely, Gen Z seeks employment that allows them to have healthy personal lives while pursuing their professional goals.

72% of the employed Gen Z reported that they would leave the job if there were no flexible work policies at their workplace.

Source: McKinsey

6. 70% of Gen Z consider salary as an important factor for their next job.

Gen Z is aware of the current slow market scenario and the increasing inflation.

With 40% of Gen Z leaving their jobs within two years, A report found that 70% of Gen Z expect a better-paying job after they leave their current one.

Source: The Forage

Gen Z Social Media Statistics

Growing up with multiple screens and loaded with gadgets, Gen Zs are considered the most active internet users.

38% of Gen Z spend more than 4 hours on social media, and 74% of Gen Z said they use social media apps more often to communicate with friends.

Here are some statistics that explain Gen Z’s social media use and preferences.

7. 54% of Gen Z spend over 4 hours browsing social media

social media is the playground for Gen Z. With 55% of Gen Z using smartphones for more than 5 hours per day, they spend 4 hours mainly on social media platforms.

Source: goatagency

8. 88% of Gen Z use YouTube on a daily basis

A study found that 88% of Gen Z consume YouTube content, and many are starting their own channels on the platform. 

Source: Morning Consult

9. Instagram is used by over 76% of Gen Zs

With Gen Z having an attention span of 8 seconds, short video platforms are prevailing in 2025.

Around 76% of Gen Z actively use Instagram, 68% use TikTok, and 67% use Snapchat.

Source: Morning Consult

10. Less than 50% of Gen Z are using Facebook and X

Gen Z is less interested in Facebook and X, with only 49% of them using Facebook and 47% using X.

Source: Morning Consult

11. Females flock to Instagram and Snapchat, while males prefer YouTube and Reddit

Due to the latest trends revolving around social platforms, female Gen Z use Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat extensively to keep up with the trends.

The male Gen Zs are more commonly using platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Discord, Reddit, and Twitch.

Source: MarketingCharts

Gen Z Consumer Behaviour Statistics

By 2030, the worldwide retail spending share of Gen Z and Millennials is anticipated to increase by 48%.

Gen Z has played an integral part in the explosive growth of the eCommerce and the online payment market.

12. Gen Z is 2 times more likely to make mobile online purchases than Millennials

Millennials are responsible for experimenting and using online shopping and payments on desktops but will hesitate to use mobile devices to pay online.

On the other hand, Gen Z feels 2 times more comfortable using the online markets and payment methods.

13. 73% of Gen Z choose to buy from brands that support sustainability

A survey showed 82% of Gen Z were concerned about the state of the planet. Gen Z is more informed about climate change and understands the need to use eco-friendly materials.

The survey also revealed that 73% of Gen Z shoppers choose to buy from brands that use sustainable and eco-friendly materials to participate in the betterment of our planet actively.

Source: Kadence

14. 78% of Gen Z explore and buy directly from the brands on social media

Gen Z’s time on social media is why they rely on brands with a good presence on social platforms.

A study revealed that over 78% of Gen Z find brands and make online purchases through social media, and 61% of the Millenials do the same.

Source: PorchGroupMedia

15. 43% of Gen Zs are willing to leave a product review

The online presence of Gen Z is commendable, and 62% of Gen Z feel confident about buying from companies with good reviews.

While 68% of Gen Z read 3 or more reviews before buying something for the first time, 43% of them are actually willing to participate in writing one.

Source: Forbes

Gen Z Mental Health Statistics

Due to the fast-paced world and lack of natural sleep, stress is high, and rest is less. Generation Z, being young, is considered the most vulnerable and exposed to mental health issues.

In addition, the pandemic also affected the mental health state of everyone.

Let us take a look at some statistics revolving around Gen Z’s mental health. 

16. 61% of Gen Z report feeling nervous or anxious

A study was conducted by Murmuration, where the surveyed Gen Z reported that they felt nervous or anxious in the last few weeks.

53% of Millennials, 40% of Gen X, and 28% reported feeling the same.

Source: Murmuration 

17. Only 45% of Gen Zs are said to have very good or excellent men­tal health

American Psychology Association reported that around 45% of Gen Z’s mental health was in good or excellent condition.

This was the lowest percentage as compared to other age groups.

In contrast, 56% of Millenials, 51% of Gen X, and 70% of Boomers reported excellent mental health.

Source: APA

18. The rate of depres­sion in Gen Z rose to 33% during the pandemic in the United States

In 2020, reports of anxiety and depression increased by about 25% globally. COVID-19 has affected the mental health of people across the world.

The rate of depres­sion was increased to nearly 33% in the United States, affecting 1 in every 3 Amer­i­cans aged 18 or older, 

Source: Lancet

19. 37% of Generation Z has gone for therapy regarding mental health issues

A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association on 3,458 respondents aged 18+ living in the United States revealed that 37% of Gen Z had gone for some type of therapy for their mental issues. 

Source: APA

20. 70% of Generation Z wants the government to be more involved in resolving their issues

A survey by the Pew Research Center concluded that 70% of Generation Z wanted the government to work actively toward solving their financial and mental health problems. In comparison, 30% wanted to leave activism to businesses and individuals.

64% of Millennials also shared the same thoughts as Gen Z about government involvement.

Source: Wikipedia

Significant Gen Z Statistics 

  1. 54% of Generation Z like to have control over the personal information they provide online.
  2. 42% of Gen Zs have taken a 24-hour break from social media.
  3. 66% of Gen Z believe climate change should be prioritized over economic growth.
  4. 30% of Gen Z don’t feel financially secure.
  5. 35% of Gen Z would leave their job without having another job option.
  6. 30% of Gen Z work hybrid entirely, and 19% work completely remotely.
  7. 65% of Gen Z utilized ad-blocking technology, and 12% of Gen Z are ready to pay to eliminate online ads.
  8. 44% of Generation Z aged 7 to 17 have a parent with a bachelor’s degree or above.
  9. 82% of Gen Z consider social media a useful tool in the workplace.

More Stats Read:

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